chairman, i was called on to serve during the riots as a national guardmen. i condemn the riots and the destruction, and not once did i feel the future of self governance was threatened like on january 6th. there's a difference between rejecting the rule of law, and as we begin our work today i want to call this committee's attention to the oath of office, an oath not to a party or individual but to the constitution that represents all americans. everyone, an elected office knows how hard it can be to preserve and protect the constitution of the united states, and with the political pressures and re-electtions always around the corner. mr. chairman, our witnesses today like every law enforcement across the country took the oath like we did. while we were whisked away from the danger, heroes like those here stood their post before it and paid the price and we're only here now because you guys were here then. therefore it's altogether fitting that we begin our investigation of january's lawless attack against the constitution with these four men, and we made su