her father was a national guardsman, a firefighter, was trained to keep his head and knew what he had to do. he got in his truck, drove out of town to the road he knew she'd take coming home from her boyfriend's house. then he saw it in a construction zone. on a highway 93 overpass. what did you find? >> something i don't want to see again. you can say a fireman's worst nightmare. >> someone tried to hold him back. he kept on. >> i saw her over at the side. >> his perfect daughter. his justine, obscenely broken. but amazingly, still alive. how did she look? >> i didn't really see a lot of her on the gurney there. but i got to see her, you know, at the hospital. >> she was pretty bad. >> you know, you don't want to ever see your kid in the hospital. >> every bit of her was damaged, horribly. broken bones. brain damaged. ruptured organs. the chance she'd survive, slim, said the doctors. but the winters' news could have been worse. and a few miles away, where the phone rang at jason thompson's house, the news was much worse. the caller was the county coroner. >> he said, jason, your fami