that this idea is i mind had, i live in new delhi and i'm just recently graduated from national human television school in london. so i was about to move out from london, come back to india. and when i got this opportunity, i thought that was the best way for me to spend my last days in london by going and going and looking at these museums that had artifacts. and those showed pieces of belonging to my own country and you'll see this entire section is fairly solid, asian loaded artifacts of the things i saw that kind of the line did my, my love for history. and i was literally experiencing a c in front of me and it was of a viewer to mix of emotions that i felt it was it was, it wasn't, there was a sense of sadness. there was a sense of pride decides, just like any piece of furniture that belongs to somebody's house, belongs to that house and should not be elucidated by some toward body and be put on display. and some other houses are in some other country. um and especially made intuitive stickers, action out of it and monetized. so there are 2 ways of thinking that when neutral, these artifacts monum