top attorney say he'd know the newbie innocent but a hero former president of the national lawyers guild moultrie cohen thanks so much for coming on to testify on military hearings on the two to disobey on little folders how does this apply in. case of money he went to his superiors and reported what he had seen on these videos including on these this information from wiki leaks including the collateral murder video and he was basically rebuffed this is civil disobedience but he had a duty to under nuremberg and under the army field manual as well which inge drawings these principles from nuremburg he had a duty not just to obey lawful orders but also to disobeyed unlawful orders and the order not to reveal the commission of war crimes is an unlawful order prince going to miss munnings revelations have brought no home to troops for boma the crime is potentially more serious according to wiki leaks money has exposed cover ups by the administration including israel and us planning total war in the middle east thousands of us. pashto by the us hillary clinton knowingly signed an illegal spoil documents an