. - this report is brought to you by the national road safety foundation. the sadd chapter at the helix charter high school in la mesa, california came up with a winning concept for this year's driving skills 101 psa contest. sponsored by the national road safety foundation, the psa warns teens about the hazards of driving in poor weather conditions. as part of their prize, a team of tv professionals worked with the students to produce their psa. - hi, i'm allen, i'm the director for today. and that's shaun, shaun's the cameraman. everybody wave to the cameraman. hello, cameraman. - [katie] the name of the psa is weather the weather. - why don't we do this. why don't we start by setting up first the cars. so, why don't we set up the car over here. now, our weather people can help out. let's clear this whole area. (funky music) - we created a truck and a car out of boxes and paper and tape. - wow, you guys really did a really nice job! - it was great because, like, seeing something that you made come to, like, actual, like, production and filming, it was kind