the kings finds mounds, and in them the treasures of the ancient scythians in kyzyl in the national tuva museum open a gold pantry for us. one room is dedicated to the finds from the arzhan-2 mound, which, fortunately, was not plundered. this burial of the king of his wife and horses dates back to the seventh century bc, the most amazing thing is the king's golden pants, decorated with the smallest golden beads. if everyone knows about the animal style of the scythians, then there is a sensation of 250,000 beads, their holes are thinner than a human hair. here's the opening so far. uh, it seemed that, firstly, uh, most likely, the scythians went west from chudo and uh, became subjects of study for both herodotus and other researchers, and uh, actually from the kiev culture hmm, as a nomadic civilization arose precisely on the territory of modern tuva, uh, what the finds of arzhan 2 say in the summer of 2022 archaeologist from the hermitage konstantin chugunov discovered in the valley of the tsars another burial place of a rich man with a lot of gold jewelry. you are waiting for you archaeologis