s national vital statistics system only one out of the fifty united states nevada had a decrease in suicides from one thousand nine hundred ninety twenty sixteen states like new hampshire and vermont and states all across the midwest so suicide rates go up over forty eight percent in some places from one nine hundred ninety nine to two thousand and sixteen american psychiatric association has revealed that thirteen percent of americans aged twelve and over were using antidepressants between twenty eleven and twenty fourteen and that one fourth of those people had been using antidepressants for a decade or more and the rate at which people reported using antidepressants has increased again by some sixty five percent in the last fifteen years all according to the c.d.c. so if antidepressant usage is rising why are suicide rates not going down but up in fact over ten million americans age eighteen and older are reported to have at least one major depressive episode in two thousand and sixteen with sixty four percent of those cases causing severe impairment which is defined as an impairment or c