youth, and create change agents for our nation. we are working in partnership with the advisory council for historic preservation national parts service to crate a pipeline of future preservation professionals through a program called touching history. the school ofin architecture at tuskegee and morgan state university are learning preservation trades and being inspired by the history, and literally touching the physical history on their campuses. anybody heard of joe frazier? born in south carolina, he had to flee due to threats of violence. he would land in philadelphia. would this building he train for his two epic fights against muhammad ali. once he received enough price-earnings, he acquired the property occupied it for four decades. this place is not only a testimony to a sports legend in american history. it was a safe haven for black youth and a diss invested neighborhood in philadelphia. this building is protected in perpetuity. and every heard of the excelsior club in charlotte? this exemplifies another social movement important in american history. the green book. one of the most significant green book sites in north caro