wh the american p pplple d she has attacked our nationalal ecurity you nonow, for the that do nationonalececury kind of save her n credibility. iihink a lot of this is revolving around tht. >> danny, i knonowoou' trryi to d defctct a puputhihis on speaker nancy y pesisi but i d neneedooold your f fe tthe fifiren thth. thlalaw s scicifilly requires thprprident to makee sure the intelligenceomommiee is kept fully anddcurrently infoform o ththe telligence activities in the united states,s, including y sisignicican anticipated intelligence acvivi. th is partrt of the nationalal security ac of 1947. d d th president a and the v vic president break ee ll?? >> well, the's reaeayy no way to owow. at the endf f e dayhehe executive branch is charged wi keepinggururountry safe t the why not have investigatatiototoind o outf meone broke the law? >>hink it is easysy to jump e e n here.e. folks n ndd t learn mme. we'r're going of onenew york tis"s" sry -- >> one w way is tolelearn more toave an invevestatatn. >> i jtt w wan to rpopo to a couple o o thingngs danny ss.s. certainly it does seemem t tt t re we l