inie: round no. 2: nations the as the number one economy. where does that leave india and what is the best money move for investors? scott: i'm going to say between the three: the u.s. india and china, two of them have something in common that we don't... alan: lots of people! there you go... scott: ... and as long as you've andover a billion people theyatural resources that have and have had for a very long time and still can't get it together, i'm sticking with america. alan: large numbers theory... yes, i like china. obviously the emerging markets have had a rebound here that we've seen 15 percent since february ,but if you look at india in particular, it looks like we could see another 35 percent move in that index... its money my friend! scott: but you want to stick with-- they've got the natural resources and the people and they haven't been able to get it together. alan: i know you're patriotic but if you follow the top indian stocks, i think they have a lot of upside potential. scott: ok angie: and r