we will have the grand hall, mission square, a natomas street, night. -- promenade. in the center of it all, you see the light column, which is a dramatic sculpture-steel structure rising up from the lower concourse to the park above, and topped by a large glass skyline. not only will it support the transit center, but it will draw on natural light into space below. as the light colorado passes through the floors, it connects to an reveals the various program elements above and below the station. it consequently becomes the organizing device and waistline of the new station, giving passengers an intuitive sense of the centers organization. you see here the concourse level retail promenade. the allied column drawing natural light and bringing people together. additionally, if you stand underneath that light column, you will be able to see the trees in the park above. muni bus plaza, retail space, movement of buses above will be emblematic of the bible and feeling. trees will be peeking out from above and you will also see that structure, and exterior -- it is sure to