this is generally natoma street, a little past seventh street, harrison street and fourth and that's the boundaries of the youth and family district, the special use district. the areas, so the red is the geography of the district. the area that you see surrounded by blue areas, so here and here and several areas, those are the parcels right now that already have the highest fee in this area, 22% affordable housing, 27% offsite. the rest of the special use district currently has baseline city standards of affordable housing 15% onsite and 20% offsite. the legislation would thus make the entire area in the youth and family special use district to have the 22% onsite requirement. so the proposed resolution is before the commission so it may recommend approval or disapproval of the amendments. the department recommends that the commission recommend disapproval of the ordinance and adopt the draft resolution for that effect. there are two reasons for this recommendation. first, it would be premature to significantly alter the recently adopted plan. second, it is not clear that the propos