that meant a another company can do more than as i had hit some winners, i was distraught i had given up ghosts in the first two trades. at the time i had been hanging around the track, yeah, the track on weekends. mostly aqueduct. near boy. i learned how to handicap by reading the books by a book by andy bier, picking winners. in my first season, they may be the best books i mentioned earlier. they teach discipline, how to identify the best thoroughbreds, going to out of the way tracks where information was less well known. not betting nilly willie on each horse. find a payoff more sure and bet big, cut your losses if you are having a bad run. every one of these lessons can be applied to the stockmarket. you can take a huge swing when you know what you are doing, particularly when others don't on a less well known stock. don't just gamble on stocks for the excitement and fun of it. most important, be disciplined. don't let your losses pile up. after five years of professional journalism, i decided to hang it up and go back to