the painter confronts the natu of perceid realy.,darie the highly structured social and political framework is part and parcel of the meaning of the painting. rembrandt also portrays himself confronting the viewer and in relation to his cra, but rembrandt is entirely alone with his palette, ready to define himself in his characteristic thick impasto, the paint troweled on and worked with his fingers rath than with the brush. rembrandt, in his solitude, with his dect look, and with his coarse, visibly plied paint, asserts his presence, his selfness his individuality, as the matter for contemplation. in the story of western art, the 17th century, the age of baroque, began through much of europe in subjection to the ideals of the italian renaissance. by the century's end, new artistic tastes had developed-- boldly naturalistic... richly sensual... ambitiouslintellectual... passionate and profound... baroque artists had served a variety of masters. they had, as always, provided the images of power for absolute monarchs, whose subjects increasingly saw them as all too mortal. they provided relig