this week, we are talking to the chief financial officer natwarr gandhi. thanks for joining us. >>hank you for inviting me. >> what wou you say the statate of the d.c. economy -- how healths the district's government rigight now? >> when you compare it to any other jor metropolitan area, thcity is doing better than any one of them.m. two, like everywhere else, we are seeing in packs from the recession. 2011 the year that we have just finished, the fiscal year, we have done very well. 201212 and 2013, the problems are primarily because of the recession and because of the federal government. of the federal government isn't retren -- the federal government is retrehing. that will have an impact on us. we have a lot of federal workers, benefit from federal spending. just like maryland and virginia, we will have some impact there. >> the district has instituted several new revenue generators that of gone into effect. is that to try a close -- to try to close some of the gap? >> no, no. it i all for the benefit of 2012 that has distorted starting october 1. >> a councilman has said yo