they set up two camps, one in manus island and one in the one of the islands of micronesia, nauru, and all of these would—be asylum seekers ended up after 2013. what were your feelings when you arrived in manus island? you use this word, i think we should make it clear, "boat people", it is one of the main concepts that the australian government is using for describing us, and they call us "boat people", and you know, it is like a negative meaning in australian political context. so australia is using this word just to create fear and people are scared of us. you know, i call this policy "exile policy", the australian government and the media called this "pacific solution." but for me, innocent people who arrive in australia by boat, it is an exile policy and i was exiled to manus island. and the way they did that, it was a big humiliation and deep humiliation. so of course, i never forget that. i describe that in the book about how they were treating us. so, definitely, you know, it is like, i use another word, modern slavery, so i think we should understand this. did you feel as thou