so a lot of the conversation comes back to what we've been talking about ad ad nauseum. we focus on the other han focusi population, there's a 24-year-old population is a big bulk and having much experience working in the community with adults in that age range, there's a lack of programming. we have to invest in resources on the outside and make sure there's a plan for transition out of detention into the community. and one other option we thought about is on our caseload, once someone's case is disposed, we lose contact with them. we do a hand-off to a community provider, but almost in a workforce model is to have an aftercare program where we're tracking people into the community and our connected with programs so that we and assure their success. one thing to look at is the first quarter of 2019, we had a 96% public safety rate. so 96% of the people that were on our caseload did not commit another crime. so that's an important stat to look at in the sense that it's working. if we have more community capacity and more connection between detention is community, i think