get your feedback on the legal significance of this so, the report in october, trump's valet, walt nautaes at the forme presidents instruction, afte the subpoena was issued. smith's team's video surveillance footage corroborating the account. they have also amassed evidenc indicating trump told others t mislead government officials i early 2022, before the subpoena when the national archives and records administration was working with the justice department trying to recover a wide range of papers, many o them not classified from trump 's time as president there seems to be a lot of evidence here of motive an knowledge and intent >> that's right, and that is key, because a mistake, yo know, can't be obstruction o justice. the concealing, the fals documents has to be done wit intent to obstruct or influenc an official proceeding and an fbi investigation is by law an official proceeding and i will tell you anothe thing about intent, all of tha information that we're seeing, and evidence that we are hearing about being accumulated, some of it goes, you know, directly potentially to hi inten