openly heard, then we can, of course, tie and talk, priest yuri, i am not an outlier... kastsel navahrudskistsel, holy archangel mikhaila, he will designate a 400 bastard hole, and sleep, and i it’s not a big deal about the current topic of our technology, there are computers, the internet, nurses, because you don’t need work and a little heat, it’s not so easy to hold the hand of a young man and those who brought us here, menavita, geta is such a tribune, as luck would have it, the young sirs, well, you know, the four stagodzi are the sapraudas of great quality, and we get to know each other. in the month where the calisians served and preached , the manach-daminicans served and preached, at that time the manach-daminicans were the most progressive in god's words. vyadoma, at that time they were the most progressive in their time, which were, yes, all the familiar ones of their cauldrons, yes, the lasting navat cauldrons, that’s all, for the daminicans, there the meetings were decided on that... get along with the daily dates for the abvyashchennya god words , for the nurturing of god's me