s moscow correspondent emily sure when emily good to see you so journalists in case of the navasky who we just saw in the report you actually work with him in moscow do you know how he's doing after getting vaccinated and. he's feeling absolutely fine he's been going to work in recent days as well he said that he got a slight fever a fever in the evening of the job and that continued the next day but then his temperature went down and he started feeling totally fine he has one more job ahead in a few weeks and apparently he's been told that after the 1st doubts the job 40 days after that he should get antibodies so he's hoping for that phase 3 trials such as the ones that said again underwent are actually continuing on both of the vaccines that russia has already registered and is now rolling out in clinics like this one on me now and we understand that the clinic where you are standing is a place where people are going to be back soon made it to day can you tell us a bit more about how exactly the vaccine is being rolled out there. things are pretty quiet here at this clinic which is