navina baba and dr. susan phillips on their work on implementing drafting the order and implementing the order, we've had a really busy week here at the department of public health. we have scaled up a new testing site, high volume testing site which can administer up to 500 tests a day with turn around time in 24 to 48 hours and we also issued a new health order requiring large health care systems to provide testing within 24 hours for their patients and to turn those tests around within 48 hours and to report back to the health department on progress with regard to that. we've also implemented the cdc recommendation that immuno compromised people implement a third vaccine. and people take advantage of that at our many hospital clinics. our primary care clinics and drop-in centers for vaccination. our strategy continues to be to protect the most vulnerable due to covid-19 and, again, part of that is working with our business community to ensure that everybody has the opportunity who is eligible to get v