a naviy pillet said his partner saw unidentified objects repeatly. >> lieutenant graves told us pilotsing off the atlantic coast see things like that all the time. >> every day. every day for at least a couple of years. >> wait a minute. every day for a couple of years? >> mm-hmm. >> the intelligence comety older the director of national intelligence and the secretary of defense to deliver a report on the mysterious sightings by next month. >> trevor: okay, hold on. the navy has had ufo sightings every day for two years? two years these aliens have been popping in and out? those are the most passive aggressive age inviolation ever! we've got a lot of shit on our plate, either probe me to death or not but don't leave me in suspense. if any of your aliens have been watching us recently, you do realize this is not how we normally roll. i want to clarify a few things -- humans don't usually wear masks, we don't usually just talk to each other over the computer, and we don't usually scratch our butts and sniff it to make sure that it smells like butt. i know we actually do that but i don't