the men leave to mow the hay, it is necessary to block the roads and capture the white-stone city, nayvanaen, the sadness is forgotten, all the games are here. the words were plasticized by ross treated by ross i'll treat myself to a fun time we're waiting for everyone's heads to spin the steam pipe in the steam pipe the white light is spinning everything of course. believe it or not, we are waiting for our own happiness. we give suffering to people, we love, yes, well, i’m done for, it seemed like the forest was growling, but what about the forest monster? come out, from whom are you burying the girls, from you, dear, i’m going to the city on an important matter, on what kind of business, report, mother from... wove, i used it to make a pattern and survived, i want to give the hero finist a gift, hey, girl , yes, you and i are on our way, just look, any day now a robber, a cartous, a red mustache may appear, so i’m coming, to call the hero to the outpost. we’ll sell millet and lard at the fair, i’ll buy myself beads, and i’ll buy bast shoes, oh, i was born unkempt, oh, early childhood hap