payments and quotas that significantly complicated or limited the entry of ukrainian-made goods into nazar bobytskyifice of the ukrainian business and trade association, joins the european market and our broadcast. we welcome you. good evening, mr. nazar. how is the current situation with the temporary cancellation of quota restrictions and customs tariffs on ukrainian exports by the european union and great britain? the so -called visa-free export has already started. is there anything ahead, see first of all it is necessary to understand that the decision of the european parliament is not the final milestone in this process, another institution that has to make a decision is the council of ministers of the eu the member state of the 27 reading states, we have to wait for this decision, now there is no reason to believe that there can be a decision different from the positive signal that sounded from the wall of the european parliament, it is likely that this will happen by the end of the french presidency, by the end of june, taking into account the pace that was set in the european parliament the