i get excited. >> reporter: in nazarey he found a place that has record breaking sets.n fueled by an underwater canyon offshore that powers the swells from 3 miles deep. for generations fishermen were practically the only souls willing to brave the dangerous surf. >> thousands of people die in nazarey because of the waves. >> reporter: did you grow up fearing the waves? >> no respected them. >> reporter: unforgiving swells around the world have drowned fellow big wave surfers. in just two years ago in nazarey, maya gabera was nearly killed by an 80-foot monster. these days those deadly risks weigh heavier on mcnamara because he and his wife nicole had a son they named barrel after the holly tube of a perfect breaking brave. we wanted to get a sense of the rush that has driven him for so many years despite the danger. >> ride a wave! >> reporter: he invited me on a ride. >> we'll be heading through these waves to the beach to get a sense of how big they are. you have got to hold on tight. [ indiscernible ] >> that's awesome. >> it's a rush. >> reporter: we go over before