and the kind of, you know, the kind of, that thing united the nation in defiance against the nazi luftwaffe. this kind of felt like you were witnessing, you know, something from another, another century almost. it was, you know, a remarkable thing to behold and to report on and then, you know, to be able to do a small part, helping move some of the bags of rubble. when you had finished helping move those bags of rubble and doing whatever else you were doing to help, did you then revert to reporting, revert to capturing details from the scene that you wanted to pass on to the media outlets you work for? yeah, i mean, i had to go back to doing broadcasts later on in the evening. so, you know, i went home and i washed and then i went back out and carried on. this is the second time in my career i've done that because the first time was in greece, when i was reporting on the arrival, the migrant arrivals from boats coming from turkey. and, you know, you film people coming off boats, but you can only get so much footage of people coming off boats. eventually you're like, there's people that need