police have their uspect ehind bars. 16-yeer ld nazir wiiliamssii harged nnthe fal sttbbing of 15-yeerh utside the mcdonaad's at howaad and fayetteestrrets after the ravens super bowl parade anddrally back in february. surveillance piccures released at the ttme shoo smith being aataaked uring a fighttinvolving a rouu oo ttees. a juuy is ssilll deciding tte ffte of a veteran baltimore homicide etective...charg eddwitth erjuryy.pposecuttrs say deeective anthony faaa... shot himmelf in the leg...iissde a downtton parring garaged, and then trieddto appll for workman's compensation. he claims he exxhanged gunfiie witt anotter man. but prosecutors...ss y thhre'' no evideece to prrve there was another gunman. (owens) "we're pleased with the way the eeidence came out, veey pleased wwih closing arguments anddjust goinn to wait o hhar form the jury at thiss ppiit." deffnse attorneys say "faaa" gave conflictinn ssatements bout hat hhppened...becau ss he was on pain-- killers. theesuspecttd guuman who opened firr inside a eorre llmentary schooll.. s wwking up in jail. ttis is video of 20-year--ld