are you crying, soldier, he saved me, in war, as in war, come on, rudders, soldier, we won’t give up nazkarzlich willkommen in unserem kurort, dies ist ein ganz besonderer kurort. wir werden die lemmer von dem bütten getrennt. welcome to the resort. this is a special resort. here we separate the agants from the goats. alle, die ihr hierher reinkommt, merkt euch. da glaubt er schlinge doch tatsächlich, du glaubst wohl du bist was besonderes, willst dem stehen sterben, der special tanker, do you want to die standing? look, lads, it’s better to feed the little ones here than on the stretch, i’ve been in stalags, remember about 50 g of bread a day, so whoever is new, beware of stomach upsets, take care of your legs and take care of your kidneys. if they didn’t recapture, but then i'll lay the card, to whom? the name of? tops, i'm demyan, hold it, tops, good soldering, anyone? and you? what's your name? petya, no? we need milasha, shamaev will eat our crumbs. i somehow jumped out of the hatch, it was already starting to burn, and the fritz put me out, good fellow, and what’s better than to burn