is the best everybody knows the nbbo is an artificially widespread.pays the nbbo so when robinhood and citadel say we're doing great by the retail traders by giving them price improvement based on the nbbo, it's just an artificial misleading number that's disguising how much money is being taken out of the pockets of retail traders. >> dennis, i'm no apologist for the firms you're talking about by any stretch, but i'll take you back 15 years when the brokers were buying stocks at 1/4, billing their customers at 1/2 i would submit, maybe incorrectly, that the playing field has never been more level for the retail investor. what you're talking about, although probably factually true, is infinitesimal compared to where it was a decade and a half ago. >> that's like saying cars ten years ago are half the price and now they're so much efficient. today the law says retail traders should get best execution, period. and now what has happened is that these inside players who are making a fortune off of retail traders have defined best execution as the nbbo kno