affordable to many people and many people will not be eligible for any sort of health coverage under the nca, affordability, more low-income people will be eligible for expanded medi cal, health insurance covered will still not be affordable for many, especially in a high cost city like san francisco, people will not be able to afford this health !insurance premium, a 2012 survey of planned parenthood clients showed that 60% of our patients had no health insurance because they couldn't afford any monthly premium whatsoever, 28% more couldn't afford more than 50 hours a month, accessabilities, we heard it here, three of four million californians will fall through the crack, our undocumented and immigrant families will not be eligible and have been shut out of the family, these folks are important people to our community and it is important that we ensure they have health care access to them at all times. again, planned parenthood supports healthy san francisco and we're doing a tremendous amount of outreach getting people enrolled in expanded medi cal and covered california. >> thank you ver