our well-connected friends in the entertainment industry have suggested all kinds of tweaks to the nca that would pose a kinds of liability issues for websites. yes, they have tried, and it has not worked. i'm a little more interested in how we can use laws already on the books, the prosecutors can already go to court with to make life is painful and expensive as possible for the people who went after these ipod users and other like-minded creeps. >> i just wanted to build out a little bit on the section 230 point, to give an example of why, you know, those of us who are such staunch defenders of that law -- what role it really plays. imagine we take a person or website operator who knows or should have known this website -- this photo was shared without consent. if we had a law that said, you know, imagine i run my own photo hosting website. a created what i hope will be the next instagram. i get something way better than filters for photos. i don't know what it is, but i'm running my own site. a law on the book says i can be taken to court if someone claims that i know or should have