and the hands are going up just in atlanta when naga honored our youth at our ncai convention in atlanta, i asked that question. of the parents of the youth that were sitting in that room, there were 2 or 300 in the room and i asked that question, how many of you are breaking the cycle? how many of you are raising your kids in a drug and alcohol-free environment? three-quarters or more in the room raised their hands. so once again, it starts at home. it starts with the person saying, i want my kids to be raised in a better environment than i was raised in and i encourage all the youth that are still waiting to be parents to make that promise today that the way we break historical trauma is breaking the cycle of drug abuse, alcohol abuse and dropout rates. [applause] >> and i'd like to say this. it's been my great-grandfather grandfather's father, i, all abused alcohol. and my two grandkids that are seven and two right now they are the first ones in my family in 100 years to be raised in a home with no drugs, no alcohol, no marijuana, no cigarettes, no crack, no crank, no cocaine, no noth