caller: hello, this is ncan, and i'mu society from the president's remarks, but i was the people that helped aay lot of families that came here. i helped a lot of families that and as a for relief, man of color, it encouraged me, it may be believed when we all work together, great things can happen. that is why i am determined to do great things and put people before policy, and that is something i do daily. i'm a father of four girls. my oldest is a cancer survivor, and she sees the legacy of our president and says, that he, that is cool. he seems like a real guy. he shakes people's hands, and she is in fourth grade, but excited, and what he said today it resonated for the recovery for america, that if we can turn it around and do great things that we did in new orleans and said that example, we have -- people before policy, that is what i'm fighting for. people before policy. host: another louisiana caller, margaret, joining us. you were impacted by the storm. go ahead. caller: yes, sir. we lived below new orleans, and i understand new orleans had a big hit, but in montague, we also