on kiss play they are at ncc through june 5th is his first signed contract.us her about this contract. it is coo of the ncc, vince stango, vince, good morning good morning pat, how are you. >> good. tell us about this tour that is going on here and i'll step out of the way so we cap get a better look at it. >> these two are great contracts. one is jackie's 1946 contract with the montreal royals and other 1947 contract with the brooklyn dodgers. it has been on tour in new york city, toronto, canada and after it leaves here it will go to st. louis, atlanta, chicago, miami and los angeles. >> it is really going through each town in just one day but here in philadelphia we will get it for much longer. >> we do. we have it until sunday june 5th. we are really excited about that and pleased to have it over memorial day weekend when visitors can come to downtown philadelphia and check out these great exhibits. >> obviously jackie robinson a important sports figure. talk about the importance of the the contract and how cool it is. >> i think you mentioned it earlier,