national center known as ncetar, these two national assets will help law enforcement officials deal with the growing threat posed by terrorists in criminal use of powerful explosives. you and i have discussed these facilities previously. i believe you agreed then with me that the missions of ncetar and tedac are distinct but complimentary and that it made sense to co-locate them at red stone where there's a lot of property, a lot of land. for the benefit of the committee, mr. attorney general, can you describe how the department. of justice will utilize ncetar and tedac. >> -- run chiefly by the fbi deals with the examination of ieds we see coming out of afghanistan and other places. ncetar in contrast run by the atf deals with -- i wouldn't want to call them the more common. >> more prevalent maybe. >> more prevalent explosive devices. and i think that you're right, they you're right. they have fundamentally different responsibilities, but they compliment one another. and the location of them in that place i think makes a great deal of sense. could you describe the value of co-loca