so we hope nci will work with us.f any future stimulus money to be cognizant of the fact that reservations don't exist in alaska. and that wording and the verbiage of that effect should not be in stimulus packages. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you for your comment. and john? >> there is money that is available for training young people in front communications, especially, in journalism. i met with arne duncan and he holds more money than anybody else for education. and when i told him and asked him what he's doing for indian education, he almost teared up when he talked about going out to lane deer and saying he was really sad. he didn't know how to be able to help. i said there's a lot of ways. nci has got a few ideas about that. so the opportunity to be able to place -- we can help place young people -- we just had a meeting here at the press club with several of these news reporters. helen thomas was there probably the oldest one sitting on the front. but we need to have a native american, strong, independent