over there were ten so-called comprehensive high schools, and they were all failing, if you will, by nclb. and michelle realized she couldn't take them all on at once. i don't know why i'm putting words in your mouth, but you took them on a few at a time, and it was rough sledding. i focused on one, dunbar, which did really well for one year and then ran into some huge problems. and, you know, i came away from this whole thing not really that encouraged about the possibility of turning around failing high schools. i'm not saying it can't be done, but what's your hindsight here? >> it is extraordinarily difficult. there are very, very few examples in this country of what we were trying to do which is taking over a large comprehensive high school as is with the existing students and seeing a massive turn around. i'm very proud to say that one of them that happened in this country was led by my fiance, kevin johnson, in sacramento. that effort, though, took five years. the huge two years what they saw was a change in the culture and the expectations. and last week i took some of my staff bec