give a special hello to moi colleague, olivia weun who is -- wine is here and to the person who ran nclc for many years, and grew an organization that is unique, been at national consumer law center for 19 years, will regrets every minute of it. okay. >> i would like to talk about grid modernization as it relates, particularly, to lower income consumers, data privacy issues that we have heard about are extraordinarily important, i am going to side step those a bit because some of the general consumer advocates here have got that under control in their focus on a couple of specific low income issues, i started assumption, in my work on technology issues, that clean energy is an imperative. there is no trade off between clean and affordable any more, they are both imperatives, equity is important but climate change is real and low income individuals and families are the first to be effected by the recommend -- ramifications of climate change, one of the opportunities we face in this technological and economic revolution is to reduce carbon intensity of the grid. as jim talked about, we hav