kate kendell is the executive director of the national center for lesbian rights, also known as nclr. and i want to thank you all so much for being here today. this is meant to be a stimulating conversation, so just everybody jump in if you want to respond to something. kate, i wanted to start with you because you're involved with this -- the gay marriage case. >> yep. >> you've been inside the supreme court. tell me what it means to the lgbt community if the supreme court officially supports same-sex marriage rights. and also, what is the status right now? >> well, you know, it's almost incalculable what the difference that this will make to lgbt people nationwide. it is a moment that has come much more quickly than i think any of us imagined, and yet to finally have the government out of the business of discriminating against our relationships and to have every couple who wishes to marry, no matter where they get married, their marriage will be recognized in the state in which they live and make their home and the federal government will recognize those relationships, as well, havin