. >> this is an emergency ward in ncncncncncncnce, -- ndants, only mutilated bodies of young boys, men and children lying unattended. those dead, minorities of the shia community, killed by none other than pakistani's spy agency. >> [speaking foreign language] >> this is the story for shias living in quetta. every day an attack is launched against the minorities here, a community which is compelled to leave a life full of fear and panic. -- to live a life full of fear and panic. this recent attack in which many children and women lost their life, is not an isolated incident. such attacks are often orchestrated by sunni military groups who enjoy the backing of the pakistani spy agency. these bullet marks on the wall demonstrate the audacity of the attack. >> [speaking foreign language] >> the attack, which took place near the market, was so loud that its reverberations could be heard to a very far distance. many windowed glasses in nearby place.gs broke down, and the >> [speaking foreign language] >> the shias are fed up of successive attacks. they seek -- from the government, which is