in 2009, ncp and -- this plan identifies strategies to extend civic qualities of the national mall and the vitality of the city into federally dominated precincts throughout the monumental core. in doing so, the framework provides several strategies to make potential strategies for new cultural locations off of the mall more attractive to museum and memorial sponsors, the examples include south p presiblgt avenue. new cultural projects can serve as anchors that -- destinations that enter deuce visitors to new parts of the city, ncpc coordinated with the national parks service to ensure that the frame work's goals are consistent with the national parks services national mall plan. our most recent study called washington as commemoration identifies trends related to memorial -- the ncpc study was done in partnership and includes publicly accessible catalog of existing memorials on -- you can see this as an interactive online map at it also includes analysises of other capital cities abroad. this information will better equip agencies and the public to consider the critical poli