. >> chairman, matz, senator udall's legislation would require that the ncua develop an approval process by which a credit union gradually increasing their amount of murmur business lending it engages in. have you given any thought as to what that process might look like and how you might implement it? >> yes, the tiered process will be very helpful in terms of increasing our supervisory ability and ensuring safety and fairness because credit unions will still be able to make loans up to 12.25% of assets, but to get above that, there's guidelines. have business loans for five years, be well-capitalized, and well-managed, and they'll have to be at or above 80% of the cap, but we'll come behind that with regulations to ensure that even above and beyond that, that the credit unions that go above the cap do so in a moderate way that they crawl before they washing so we -- walk, so we won't necessarily let them go up to 30% increase in one year, but probably have regulations that modify that, and let them increase more gradually than that. >> the second panel suggests that credit unions are m