he was really a symbol of that and he worked hard at preserving and building that up,nd aga you have to ask, who picks up thatmportant work and keeps going, if not john mccain? den is certainly one but he's older now, too. so the question is who are the next generation of american states men and it's not at all clear. robert: president trump, his tensions connuedith the senator even in death for senator mccain. there was a skirmish about whether or not the flag was at ouse.staff at the white what did this week reveal about the president and how he handles these kind of things? w julit i found striking was not only the fact tha john mccain made it clear that he didn't want president trump tot take p the celebrations of his death and life and legacy t president trump seeme to have no interest in taking part in that, himself. generally we've seen presidents who embrace it as a key part of theirhe role, the nation is grieving, when the nation is reflecting on what it means to be an american, the president is leading that and wants to be in that conversation. president trump had no ierest