nd every american dii their part to fight in this epic warr too many would paid the prrie.&pprice.somewhere after 58 in;"tte days and weeks we did ppeparing for d-day... wee talkkd about home... wwndered &pit wws comraderre"it.3 comraderie" earl's berdeen home that in carries with it... thousands of ascinatinn stories from phe paaes of --s history... heemett from company i... - memorabilia from a year of brutal campaiggs that to earl... happeeed only yesteeday. yesterday... many things"out;"get it out of yyur mind" mind"somewhere after 4:35 in;"my missionnout::is just ptayinggalive" after d-day, earl keely parachuted into nazi occupied h. hhllann... http://www.youtube.c om//aacc??==22www w111rr&&llyyeett11llss= &p=lllee002255333f88ff///rr :56--1:01in;"hundreds f paraccutistssdiedoperation ":market garden"...out: (nazis firing in air) 3p operation "market gardenn crushed the nnzi war machine. then... just before chrrstmas of '44, the battleeof the http://www.youtuue.c 3 3&last major german offensive i the war. war. somewweee afteer100:4 in;"cold cold cold" cold" in