. -3 enhannemenns at thh superdome....nd moreethan - eleven million ollars of road peppirs in the frenchuarter. "i thhin that his is jjst & another building block to nee - orreann being rebuilt and centurr where everybody woull want o be."at louus aamstrong international airpprt a & massivv makeover has been - under way -- everything fromm the resttoomm to the runways has been renovated to welcome hundreds of nnl officcals and thoosanns of membees f the medda ii ttwn, fans areehhving -3 a tough time ffndinn afffrdable hotel ooms -- aad tickkts to the gamm -- sking ppices for those are starting at twoothousand dollars apiece." but those who do akk the trip are getting a double dose of fun for theii innvstment."the iconic celebration for new orleans -3&&ppear after year has been mardi plopped iinoothe middle f it aal. so we hhve not onlyythe parades nd thh excitement of & that faamly celebration whhch & is mardi ras ut yyu have all the excctementtof the nfl.""i think it's the perfect sttrm of pprty aamosphere between thh superrbowl, mardi gras and - jjst the general amosphhre of new orlean