>>nd youknow hat we're often surprised when wfinally get a ruling >> thats why we' there. and we're waiting it. ank you, joan. >> today iof course the eighth anniversary the 9/11 attacks. anniversy of the events tha sparked wars i afghanistannd iraq iraq. eight years of heigened secuty at home and eight year of uncertainty about ow o combat terror. except this year, we have new administration ping with that. does that make a big difference? >> i'm going to sitch for a moment into frenchnd say the more things chan, the more they stay the same. >> you said it i english. >> my frnch is so good. >>t is, go ack to the campaign and lok -- barak obama said he would do in the war onerror, was promised at he would be just as tough or tougher than george w. bus. he would attack tagets in pakistan. statement to prove he cold be a wk that got him in hot water during t campaign from hilary and others. he also said tht e would close antanamo bay and bring he judicialarts of this war back under the contitution. more secret prisons. no more extralegal stuff. what happened? onthe foreign p