ndapwa, paleni, and brigit started the feminist podcast "heard not seen" after realizing that none ofying to figure out what women need to live equal and fulfilling lives, so it's not gonna be the same everywhere. - it's just about being a bit more aware of different cultures and different realities. - the constant thread through all these conversations we have is really thinking about approaching it from an intersectional framework... - mm. - looking at how race plays a role. looking at how class plays a role. looking at how location plays a role. - right. intersectionality, man. ooh. i'm just gonna run to the bathroom real quick. - oh, okay. - siri, google "intersectionality." what were we talking about-- oh, right. intersectionality. i believe the term was coined by legal scholar kimberlé crenshaw in an essay that asserts that anti-discrimination law, feminist theory, and antiracist politics fails because they each focus on, you know, a single factor. - you did google it. - hmm? - these are some of the principles that we're trying to get through with our conversations. like, this i