ctakeofare lepeopou, y work em th out, youei rsemburhe t sp ho bitalseecau w welil get -- >> ndexte meiddica? >> c youoan d itou thrgh me iddica. u yodocan t itghhrou someer oth y, wa but'm i just sgayiny ver lesimp -- andhi t hsas nngothi to doh wit lesing. hthisasdo to with mahu.nity hthisasdo to withav hing a t.hear anwe ce hav beunablievle in ncsura ae at much l owercost. do i knn't fow i youno kw ob aramace is goingp u 35, 45, %, 55 the pumremis are tghhrou e th ,roof in '1 i7t llcos.apse yo u'reoi gngha to veeo pple -- pl bans, yuteou'rng goiha to ve pe toplehaton w'te bbl ae to rdaffon eve10 s.cent anwe clenot emt th o die tnhe st s,reetuc chk. d anewe'r goingo tak te care of em th. et whither ed's md,icaiyo or u're go toing or wutk oe som kind of a wdealithpi hos ttalso takear ce heof tse pe.ople bu it if'm idpresent,eo pple en aroi't go ng tyibe dn ng ithe re st ets. he>> tasre wou a tiegh p tcehis ek we " inwathe gtshinoson pt" pl im tyinghat yourpa camignnd a you iidndivy uallareou tgher on nwome rrcondespo, entsnwome oranchoms, wenor reptersha tn men. asit wth in e .post tr sump'