we should take that d hold it up. -- it was ndi's vice chairman, the founding chair of ndi talked about this notion of imposing democracy, which she called an oxymoron. democracy is about choice. it is not about imposition. but it is overcoming this stereotypical view of what democracy promotion is. americans going overseas and standing in front of a classroom, telling them to adopt this structure or support this principle, but it is something much more complex and profound than that. mark: the strength of the or ment comes not from iri ndi. it from students in hong kong. it comes from women in belarus. it comes from the ladies in white in cuba. that is the power of this. what we can do is stand with them and help to provide tools and assistance and support. but make no mistake, if it does not start overseas, it fails. it can't possibly succeed. but when it starts overseas, there's no stopping it. that is what scared the authoritarians. when authoritarians do their crackdowns, that is not a sign of strength, it is a sign of weakness. they are afraid of their own people. ken: oftentimes,