to do that, the manhart decision tells us that we look at the ndividual. if you change the sex of the individual and the outcome would be different, that would be iscrimination. >> your honor, the bathroom issue, while often relevant to issues of transgender discrimination, it has never been relevant to cases of sexual orientation discrimination. it concedes that sexual orientation discrimination involves an element of sex. >> isn't that criticism designed to show a weakness in the comparator test? it is not a perfect test. would you agree with that? >> in the focus of manhart, i think it is a very useful est. you don't necessarily need to find an identical comparator. what you are doing is comparing he individual with a hypothetical situation. the same individual, but a different sex. is the outcome different? here, it applies equally in the sex context. to your point about the bathrooms, i concede that sex is irrelevant to the question of sexual orientation. then, bringing up the bathrooms is essentially saying let's look at the terms and conditions. but